allows to produce dynamic documents where the script that produce the output is embedded directly in the document, with optionally only the output rendered.
Save the document below in a file with extension jmd (e.g. testWeave.jmd)
Here instead I will put in the PDF both the script source code and the output:
Note also that I can refer to variables defined in previous chunks (or "cells", following Jupyter terminology):
For a much more complete example see the Weave documentation.
You can then "compile" the document (from within Julia) with:
using Weave; weave("testWeave.jmd", out_path = :pwd, doctype = "pandoc2pdf")
To obtain the following pdf:
In Ubuntu Linux (but most likely also in other systems), weave needs pandora and LaTeX (texlive-xetex
) already installed in the system.
If you use Ununtu, the version of pandora in the official repositories is too old. Use instead the deb available in https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases/latest .
While an updated, expanded and revised version of this chapter is available in "Chapter 11 - Utilities" of Antonello Lobianco (2019), "Julia Quick Syntax Reference", Apress, this tutorial remains in active development.
Last updated